Erin Cahill
Erin Cahill has Starred and Guest Starred in over 30 Television Shows including Sleepy Hollow, Grey’s Anatomy, House, How I Met Your Mother, Castle, CSI: Miami, CSI: New York and NCIS:LA to name a few. She can be seen in this season’s “Angel From Hell” starring Jane Lynch. Erin has four films coming out this year. She is the lead in the Mar Vista studios film for Lifetime and Netflix called “The Watcher” opposite Edi Gathegi. Erin has a supporting role in “It Snows All the Time” starring Taryn Manning and Lesley Ann Warren. She is one of the leads on the film called “Cut to the Chase,” which she just won Best Supporting Actress for at the Northeast Film Festival. Finally, she is the lead in a Hallmark Christmas film, airing this holiday season. Erin also has three films coming out next year. Erin has loyal fans from her role as Jen Scotts, the Pink Power Ranger and from playing Chloe Lynch in the iconic Call of Duty Series. Erin has also starred in numerous films including Disney’s Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 & 3, and Sony’s Boogeyman 3.